5 Tips For Finding Love On A Summer Vacation
Photo by Bethany Ferr
While we all love the thoughts and stories around romance, many of us are still looking for that special person. As summer slowly arrives and we begin preparing for our holidays or summer vacations and trips, our minds begin turning away from the stresses of our jobs and schoolwork to the possibility of finding love on our travels.
But envisioning a vacation romance in our heads is a lot easier than seeing it happen in real life. So we’ve created a list of tips to up the chances of finding your soul mate during your summer adventure.
01 | Choose the right place.
When it comes to traveling on a summer break, there are endless options of places to explore and destinations to visit. But if finding love is what you’re looking for, you’ll want to pick a place that gives you the best chances of that happeneing.
You’ll want to choose a place that will appeal to the kind of guy you’re looking for — a thinking man who enjoys a good book and deep conversations. You’ll want to think about visiting a place known for its bookstores and higher-education — perhaps somewhere like Oxford, England.
If you’re looking for an artistic man who’s full of creativity and passion, you’ll want to spend time in a city that has a thriving arts scene like New York City. Or if you’re looking for an adventurous man, look at visiting a place near state parks and natural beauty.
But no matter what kind of guy you’re looking for, going to a place that he’d be going to is of utmost importance.
02 | Dress the part.
One of the best parts about summer is that you can finally relax, sleep in, and wear comfortable clothes. And while we do encourage you to indulge in self-care and relaxation, it’s also a good idea to, when you’re out and about on your holiday, occasionally dress up and look your best.
It won’t only bring you confidence and a plethora of wonderful pictures you can share and keep forever, but it will also up your chances of catching the eye of a potential suitor.
So, don’t be afraid to swipe on that lipstick you love, and go ahead and get that dress you’ve had your eye on — it might just be the one you meet your true love in.
03 | Be yourself.
There’s going to be temptation when in a new place and looking for love to believe that the person you already are isn’t interesting, cool, or good enough to attract a great guy. There might be some anxiety and self-doubt that tells you that you should try to be or take on an affect of someone else.
But don’t belive those lies. You are, as you are, a deeply interesting, unique, and special woman, and it will actually be your uniquenesses that make you and your personality (be it quiet or out-of-the-box) the thing that will catch thee attention and earn the affection of eligible bachelors.
So don’t ever feel the need to be a different person — take the old, cheesy advice that just so happens to be true to “be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
04 | Get out and do something.
Of course there’s a joy in letting the constricting schedules of the rest of the year fall away and letting yourself revel in the freedom of the competely open and unscripted days of a summer vacation. But if you’re not careful, that can also lead to never actually leaving your room!
One of the best ways to up your chances of crossing paths with a handsome stranger is to get out there and do something with other people. This can be as small as going to a coffee shop, attending a get-togther at a fun restraunt or house soirée, taking a museam tour, going for a boat ride, or even a group mountain hike!
Whatever strikes your fancy, don’t be afraid to actually get out there and involve yourself in activities where you just might come in contact with a great guy.
05 | Bring a friend along.
Time away from everything to really reflect and live in your own thoughts can be wonderful. But there’s also a high value in a companionship that brings you life and support and joy. Which is why you might want to consider bringing a friend along for an adventure.
Aside from having someone to make and share memories with, having a friends who will talk you up, give you confidence, and provide you with insight as you look for love can be a valuable and wonderful addition and up your chances at meeting the man of your dreams on vacation this summer.