How To Make The Most Of This Summer As A Single Girl

Photo by Dmitriy Ganin from Pexels

Summer is once again showing its sunny face, whether or not we’re ready for it (wasn’t it just the beginning of spring?). These warm, brilliant, extroverted months will naturally make us want to get out and make the most of the weather before the colder spells inevitably come along in just a few short months. 

But sometimes, these summer months, months that are supposed to be packed with adventure and memories, can feel a bit on the lonely side for singles — especially when all anyone can talk about is all the summer dates they have planned with their new boyfriend. It can make us wonder: is summer only fun when you have a significant other to share it with?

The answer is certainly not. In fact, we’ve put together a list of 6 ways single ladies can make the most of this summer.


01 | Put real energy into finding community.

It’s far too easy to drift around from friend to friend, never feeling quite at home with our company, only to lose contact by the time winter rolls around. This summer, pour your extra energy into finding community — sign up for a book club, join a small group at church, or ask a potential friend out to coffee or dinner. Prioritize finding and building a community that you feel at home in.


02 | Dream about the rest of your year.

It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through the year — and while it’s easy to feel anxious at the thought of all we haven’t done this year, now is the time to dream up and plan out all we hope to begin and accomplish by the year’s end, setting us up for a bright and clear new year (because it’s never too early to start thinking about next year). Consider your goals and ambitions, and make a lists or vision boards of what you’ll need to do over the next months to get closer, and what you’ll need to do everyday to get closer. Live out the second half of your year with purpose.


03 | Plan a road trip with your pals.

There’s no better time to take to the road than summer. We’re all hungry for a new adventure, there’s no awful weather to worry about, and we certainly deserve a little mid-year break dedicated to making memories with our dearest friends.

Whether you’re driving an hour out of your city or planning out a long weekend a few hours up the coast, make the effort to get out and explore an old or new haunt. Bring fun playlists and snacks for the road, and you’re all sure to have a marvelous time.


04 | Treat yourself to a new dress (or two).

The summer heat has a way of making us never want to put pants on again — until, of course, October rolls around again. But for a few months, we have the perfect excuse to wear a dress everywhere and anywhere — so make the most of it and treat yourself to a new dress that makes you feel lovely, keeps you comfy, and helps you feel ready to take on whatever the day holds! May we suggest a few?


05 | Say yes to more.

At the risk of sounding like a cliche, there’s no time like the present — and there’s certainly no time like the summer to say yes, whether to a new business venture that scares us, or a new romance that could be what we’ve been hoping for, or a new friend that could be a kindred spirit, or a new dream that we’ve been putting off for too long. Say yes to whatever’s been scaring you, whatever you’ve been hiding from or delaying — you might be surprised with where the rest of the year takes you.


06 | Date yourself.

It’s easy to give in to the idea that there are certain activities, like going to a movie or a restaurant, that must be done with company, ideally with a date. This summer, date yourself. Go all alone to see a movie, take a long stroll in the park all by yourself and grab some ice cream along the way, take yourself out to dinner and listen to an audiobook while you eat, go on a shopping spree with only yourself in tow, and hit up a local cafe with yourself and a journal. Don’t be afraid of your own company — make it the company you love keeping.


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