10 New Years Resolutions For 2024 That Aren’t Going To The Gym
Photo by jasmin chew
It’s officially a new year, without any mistakes in it (as Anne Shirley would say). And with the arrival of 2024 comes a whirlwind of new hopes, aspirations, expectations, and desires for what the next twelve months of our story might look like.
Throughout the first week of any new year, we all carefully craft and set in motion the plans that we hope will make this year better than the last. We assess the habits we want to leave behind and consider the new rhythms we want to form. We ponder possibilities and set goals. We think to ourselves, “This is going to be the year that I finally [insert accomplishment here].”
It’s natural to come up with resolutions for ourselves. One recent poll found that nearly 40% of Americans set New Years resolutions for themselves. And one of the most popular goals to set? Hitting the gym regularly.
There’s no doubt that physical fitness and good health are worthy pursuits, but it’s far too easy to forget about the other areas of our lives that are worth watering, tending to, and growing. We easily focus on what our exterior self looks like, but we neglect to pay attention to the state of our interior self.
And so, we came up with a few 2024 resolutions for you that aren’t just getting yourself to the gym every week.
01 | Read at least one book per month.
The benefits of reading regularly are plentiful. Not only do books help improve our memory, vocabulary, and sleep, but they’ve also been shown to increase our imagination, empathy, and ability to fight off depression.
While the majority of us don’t have loads of time to read, a good goal to set for yourself is tackling one book per month; alternatively, if you’re feeling up to the challenge, you could read one fiction and one nonfiction every month, to read 24 books this year.
02 | Talk to God every day.
With January upon us, our schedules are likely to pick back up again, becoming as hectic and demanding as they were before the holidays slowed us down. And with the hurriedness of January, it’s far to easy to let our relationship with God fall by the wayside.
This year, make a point of carving out a daily time to pray, read Scripture, and forge a deeper connection with God. Whether you’re the kind to open your Bible first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee, or you prefer to wind down and have your quiet time just before bed, make this rhythm a priority.
03 | Go on a few long walks a week.
Just the simple act of walking regularly has been shown to decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, some forms of cancer, and other chronic diseases. It’s also been found to improve our mental health and mood. On top of these practical benefits, walking is undoubtedly more enjoyable than most other forms of exercise — don’t we all enjoy putting on a playlist or an audiobook and getting some fresh air?
Find a route or two near your home to get your steps in, soak up some peace, and maybe even think about that novel you’ve been wanting to write.
04 | Get into journaling.
From social media captions to work emails to constant texts, each of us write something every single day. But more often than not, our writings deal with the exterior world around us — not the interior world that God has created within us. And there’s nothing quite like journaling to foster this inner world.
Make 2024 the year that you take the time to search and deepen your heart and mind. May we suggest using Wallflower’s own 100-day guided journal to help you do just that (pictured above)?
05 | Try a couple of new recipes every month.
Cooking might not come naturally to all of us, but it’s our belief that acquiring the skills to create a tasty meal by ourselves is empowering — and shouldn’t ever be seen as a waste of time and energy.
This year, get adventurous in the kitchen. Try your hand at making a scrumptious stew, or a flavorful Mediterranean meal, a delicious pasta dish.
06 | Have a weekly self-care routine.
Whether you’re a student in the throes of turning in essays and studying for tests, a woman with a demanding career, or a mother with littles running all around, chances are, you could do with some pampering.
Take the time every week, even if all you have is 20 minutes, to give yourself the full self-care treatment. Brew some tea, draw a bath, put on a face mask, play some music, and relax.
07 | Foster new friendships or deepen existing ones.
It’s easy to fall into our own busy rhythms of life and neglect friendships when we feel fine enough on our own, but there’s nothing like a kindred spirit to bring peace and beauty to our chaotic lives. We were created to do life with one another — even the most introverted of us need the Diana Barry to our Anne Shirley.
If you already have a few friends, make the effort to deepen your connection with them by setting up regular dinner dates. If you haven’t yet found your Diana, make this the year that you do. Join a book club, initiate coffee meetups, and even consider reconnecting with old friends.
08 | Get better quality sleep.
How many of us have found ourselves running on fumes more often than not? Between never-ending deadlines, taxing schedules, and all the exhausting life storms that get thrown our way, it’s not uncommon to be left weary and desperately in need of better rest.
When the going gets tough, sleep is one of the first things to be sacrificed. But we simply can’t healthily function longterm without quality sleep, which has been shown to restore the immune system, promote cardiac health, and regulate blood sugar (just to name a few benefits).
Make quality sleep one of your top goals this year. Choose a regular bedtime, put your phone away, sip some decaf tea (we recommend Yorkshire Bedtime Brew), crack open a novel, and allow yourself to let go of the stresses of the day.
09 | See a new city (or two).
There is undoubtedly great beauty and meaning to be found in our normal, everyday lives. But we can’t ignore the new appreciation for life that is to be found as soon as we step outside of our routines.
Whether you decide to fly to a far-off country, or drive just a couple of hours away to a neighboring city, make plans to embrace new adventures in a new city.
10 | Take yourself out on dates.
Maybe you’re single, or you don’t live anywhere close to your family, or you’re in a season of searching for friendship. Whatever your circumstances, there’s one person whose company you can always count on — yourself.
That’s right. You don’t have to go to the movies with a date, or go to the beach with your friends, or go out for a meal with a plus one. There’s deep fulfillment to be found in solitary outings and activities. So this year, take yourself out and bask in the freedom to be found in thoroughly enjoying your own company.