10 Quotes About Autumn From Great Writers
Photo by Taras Chuiko on Unsplash
Autumn, with all its brilliant colors, crips winds, and cloudy skies, seems to bring to life and awaken something in the souls of those of us with deep inner worlds. This is evidenced by the seemingly endless amounts of great literary minds who, like us, were inspired by this wonder-filled season.
So to help you fall even deeper in the mood of autumn, we’ve gathered a list of some of the most beautiful quotes about fall from some of the greatest writers throughout history.
01 | Jane Austen
“Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn—that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness—that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.”
02 | Elizabeth Goudge
“It was one of those early November mornings that are as beautiful as any in spring. There was gold everywhere, drifts of it on the elm tree, flakes of gold under our feet, gold dust on the hedges, liquid gold in the refracted falling light.”
03 | J. R. R. Tolkien
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.”
04 | L. M. Montgomery
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
05 | George Eliot
“Is not this a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love—that makes life and nature harmonize. The birds are consulting about their migrations, the trees are putting on the hectic or the pallid hues of decay, and begin to strew the ground, that one's very footsteps may not disturb the repose of earth and air, while they give us a scent that is a perfect anodyne to the restless spirit. Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”
06 | Oscar Wilde
“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.”
07 | Nathaniel Hawthorne
“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.”
08 | Ray Bradbury
“That country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay. That country composed in the main of cellars, sub-cellars, coal-bins, closets, attics, and pantries faced away from the sun. That country whose people are autumn people, thinking only autumn thoughts. Whose people passing at night on the empty walks sound like rain.”
09 | Emily Brontë
“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”
10 | J. K. Rowling
“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.”