Poem: Winter’s Hope
Photo by Vlad
Winter bids us come and rest,
Whispering sweet promises of quiet to our weary souls.
Solitude we must dwell in with open heart and mind
As we watch the falling snow blanket the ground making all creation a newborn swaddle
Reflecting ancient times when the earth opened its arms to welcome the Son;
Cold and small, sheltered among beasts.
Winter wraps us in her mighty embrace,
Icy and righteous she bears down and births newness of life in due season.
Powerless to resist, we fall into her bosom thankful for a soft landing made of vision and hope.
Oh, that we would not waste her, this somber but gentle season.
May we open our hearts to her blessings, gifts like that of three kings: quiet, solitude, and rest.
Winter wakes us with an icy cold kiss,
Beckoning us to hone our skills and work diligently with our hands,
Soothing us with warmth from fire, food and drink,
Making a way for us to taste and see the goodness of calm.
The calm that lead the way to the manger,
The calm that one day burst forth in glorious resurrection.