6 Books To Read If You’re New To Faith

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

The growth process of our faith is just that — a process. And it’s one that’s never really done, no matter how many Bible times we have, how many lectures we listen to, and how many books we read. Our faith is a never-ending journey.

This is exactly what can make stepping into faith daunting, especially for those who didn’t grow up surrounded by Christianity. When we come to our faith a little bit “later” in life, it can always feel like we’re playing catch up, but somehow never truly catching up.

But this is also what makes the decision to challenge ourselves, to embark on the process of becoming deeper, wiser, more faithful Christians that much more significant. The choice to deepen and invest in our relationship with God is always the right one.

So where should we start? How do we even go about growing our faith from a small seed into something great and beautiful? Well, we can start by reading the right books. Here are 6 books that are perfectly suited for those looking to take a further step into their faith.

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01 | Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

Any of Lewis’ books are worth reading for someone looking to deepen their understanding of God. But Mere Christianity is assuredly the best book to start with. Lewis’ writing is both approachable and profound. His presentation of complex theological concepts are boiled down to the basics, allowing readers to embark on their faith journey without getting overwhelmed.


02 | Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller

If you’re looking for something more personal, this beautiful, honest, thought-provoking memoir is incredibly easy to devour. Miller’s wonderful mix of story and concept allows the reader to feel both connected to and challenged.


03 | The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey

Many who don’t grow up in the faith will struggle to feel like they “know” God — instead feeling as though God is ever-mysterious. Or maybe they’ll struggle with letting go of their preconceived notions. Either way, The Jesus I Never Knew helps readers uncover the truth of who God really is, allowing them to cultivate a more personal relationship with him.


04 | God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew, John Sherrill, Elizabeth Sherrill

This incredibly captivating book tells the real-life story of Brother Andrew, who courageously worked to smuggle Bibles across closed borders, risking his life in order to bring others closer to God. Reading his story will inspire you to not just deepen your own faith, but look to see how you can help others on their faith journey.


05 | Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory

What would it be like to sit down and have dinner with Jesus? Dinner with a Perfect Stranger explores just that. When a man receives a letter saying that he’s invited to dinner with Jesus, he’s intrigued — and he becomes even more so when he actually meets the man who invited him. The man, who calls himself Jesus, draws him into a deep, long conversation that’s nothing like anything he’s experienced before. This unique book is sure to get you thinking!


06 | The Shack by William P. Young

A heart-touching, riveting read, The Shack takes us on the journey of a man grieving deep, painful loss, exploring how he interacts with his faith and with God after enduring the unthinkable. This beautiful book will surely strike a chord as you ponder your own relationship with God.


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