8 Books To Help You Grow In Every Area Of Life

Photo by Bree Anne on Unsplash

With new years and new seasons and new months comes the desire deep down inside of us to move toward the image of our best selves we have in our minds. We want to shed the bad habits, destructive thoughts, and old ways and step into a healthier more whole life.

But so often, even though our desire is great, we can feel at a bit of a loss of where to start. Below you will find a list of books on a variety of topics addressing multiple areas that might help you as you begin your journey.


01 | For spiritual life: With by Skye Jethani

Author, speaker, podcaster, and former pastor Skye Jethani guides readers on the journey to deepening their relationship with God by reframing what the call to a Christian life looks like and offering practical steps forward.


02 | For mental depth: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Daniel Kahneman outlines two modes of thinking — one that’s fast-paced, emotional, and intuitive, and another that’s more methodical, slow, and logical. Kahneman doesn’t argue that one way of thinking is superior, but that we ought to cultivate both modes to become well-rounded thinkers.


03 | For physical health: I’ll Start Again Monday by Lysa Terkeurst

How many of us are guilty of putting something off until Monday? In this book, Terkeurst acknowledges that it’s in our nature to crave, and encourages readers to step away from the shame that often surrounds food, and instead make peace with the body that God has given us while establishing healthier eating habits.


04 | For friendships: Safe People by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

Authors of the bestselling book Boundaries, Cloud and Townsend offer readers practical solutions on handling the various issues that their different relationships will bring up, encouraging readers to prioritize finding “safe” people to surround themselves with.


05 | For relationships/marriage: His Needs, Her Needs by Willard F. Harley Jr.

His Needs, Her Needs is the marriage book every couple can glean something from. By using examples of his real-life patients, Harley paints a picture of what a healthy, thriving marriage can look like, motivating both husbands and wives to understand the other’s needs more fully and make positive changes.


06 | For motherhood: The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

Sally Clarkson is one of the most beloved Christian motherhood authors, and with good reason. The Mission of Motherhood mixes personal stories with helpful, biblically-based advice, making for a book that’s both relatable and inspiring as it emphasizes the eternal significance of the call to motherhood.


07 | For purpose/calling: The Call by Os Guinness

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering just why it is that you’re here, this book is for you. Guinness asserts that God designed each of us with unique purpose and talents, and that the key to finding fulfillment in what we do is by following what God has specifically called us to.


08 | For home life: The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer

The Hidden Art of Homemaking doesn’t just offer up thoughts and advice on making your house into a home — it also elevates the act of homemaking to a pursuit that is artistic, spiritual, and deeply fulfilling.


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